SeqCap EZ Human Exome Library v3.0
Achieve the most comprehensive coverage of coding regions: Coverage of genes from RefSeq RefGene CDS, CCDS, and miRBase v14 databases, plus coverage of 97% Vega, 97% Gencode, and 99% Ensembl databases
SeqCap EZ Exome +UTR Library
Select the most comprehensive exome and UTR enrichment solution (see Table below). Minimize sequencing costs with the superior capture efficiency of our 2.1M overlapping probes. Discover more variants
Ribo-off Globin & rRNA Depletion Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat)(珠蛋白(Globin) mRNA及rRNA去除试剂盒)
Ribo-off® Globin & rRNA Depletion Kit(Human/Mouse/Rat)是针对血液样本总RNA中去除珠蛋白(Globin)mRNA及rRNA的试剂盒。